Wednesday, January 12

New Year, New Blooms

So... where did the rest of 2010 go?  Somehow, it ended without me even being able to show this beautiful poinsettia that I enjoyed for the holiday season:

Ah well. Life goes on, and so does the garden--even indoors. Now I'm enjoying this beautiful fuzzy echeveria that has (unexpectedly) decided to grace my wintry kitchen with a few warm blooms:

Notice that rope-y thing in the left foreground of the photo that shows the whole plant? That's one of the three (3!!!) flower stalks that are budding on my little 4" hoya that hangs in the window above. I think it must like it there... and that I'm going to have some cool flowers to show in just a couple of months! It's always nice to have something to look forward to in the wintertime.  :)