Wednesday, July 5

My Favorite Spot - July 5th

I'm stealing an idea from Kasmira and posting a picture of my current favorite spot in the garden. It's kind of a funky jumble of contrasting foliage--no flowers right now--but that's why I like it so much. I can't wait to see what it looks like when everything fills out more!

In this frame you see the Japanese maple that I inherited with the house, lemon thyme and variegated lemon thyme cascading over the retaining wall, an unknown variety of hosta, and the dark leaves of cimicifuga/actaea "Hillside Black Beauty."

If you look closer you can see a sedum sieboldii also planted under the maple, some Japanese bloodgrass lining the retaining wall, the edge of a leucothoe in the upper right, and the chartreuse (with burgundy veining) leaves of tiarella "Crow Feather" behind the HBB on the left.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This really is beautiful. I love the light and dark foliage together. Good choices!

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