Sunday, July 30

You Take the Good, You Take the Bad...

Good bugs--the bees are still loving my fennel and salvia, but it looks like they've discovered my sunflowers now, too.

Bad, bad, BAD bugs. There are hollyhocks with absolutely pristine foliage not 4 feet away from this new cherry tree... I don't really care about the hollyhocks, though, so of course the Japanese beetles are cavorting on the cherry instead. Grrr. I took much pleasure in crunching both beetles shortly after this picture was taken.


Carol Michel said...

Argh! I hear you on the beetles. I never seem them eating weeds!

Anonymous said...

That's a gorgeous sunflower. Which variety is it?

Unknown said...

Carol, wouldn't it be wonderful if they did?!?! :)

Dindrane, it's either "Cinnamon Sun," which came from a packet of Renee's Garden seds, or "Cappucino," which was a Burpee seed packet. I planted both in the same bed, figuring that when they bloomed I would be able to tell them apart, but that's not working as well as I'd planned. If I had to pick, though, I'd guess that these are Cinnamon Sun.

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