This isn't really a snowy path to nowhere, it's the edging of my garden bed. I took a picture of it before either I or the dog trampled the snow in the backyard to capture its peaceful, simple beauty.
More snow-covered pictures to come... but not tonight. Tonight I am tired from a long, rough day at work, and tonight my boyfriend is home from a long, tough visit to New Jersey. Tomorrow is another day.
How much snow did you get? We barely got a covering and it was that nice powdery stuff that hides a malicious layer of ice below.
I love that kind of snow.
I wish we would get snow sometime soon. Lovely photo.
Very nice photo. Interesting how the rocks retain heat to melt the snow or is some other process going on here? Hey NJ is not so tough ;) a long drive from you and the armpit of the nation but not tough. Actually we are the garden state although you wouldn't know it driving through all the refineries on I 95/NJ Turnpike!
My feet are too big for that path, but it looks as if it would go somewhere good.
I tried to find a semi-relevant newspaper article, but no luck - it was a story about the exact mechanism that makes things like rocks and footprints melt the snow - there were ice springtails in that article, too. I do remember that it was a more complicated process than it first appeared - not just the dark color and light absorbtion.
I hope your boyfriend has bounced back from the long tough visit.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
The curve in the edging makes for an interesting photo. This is my first visit to your blog, but I will return. :)
I am really enjoying all the snow pics on everyone else's blogs... and wishing we had a little too!
I like to see a good path in the garden, one that leads just beyond where you can see, like this one.
mrbrownthumb, we had gotten about 4 inches when I took this picture. That's mostly gone now, and today we got some of the kind of snow that you described--the thin layer with ice underneath!
Well, meresy_g, some of us get snow and others of us can grow tomatoes in our bathrooms over the winter... ;) lol.
ki, I've never gone that way, actually. I visited NJ with him once, but his family is in northern NJ and we take I-80 through Penna and the Delaware Water Gap. (He grew up near Allamuchy State Forest, if that give you an idea!)
Annie, now you've got me curious. I'll have to look up some more information on why all of that occurs! As for the feet... well, mine are too big, too. My dog likes to walk it, though--cracks me up that she will literally follow the stone block line the whole way around. :)
helpmate, thanks for stopping by!
Rurality, I would share but we've had precious little here ourselves. I think Colorado is being rather greedy this winter, don't you?!
Carol, I am very glad that you said that. I like such paths, too, and this makes me feel a little better about not having the space for a "real" path like that in my garden. :)
I just love the image and the "simple beauty" as you describe - what a great shot for the imagination!
Ah snowy paths to nowhere are the best kind.
A former Ohioan, now
A California Gardener in Zone 23
Lovely pic. Hope you have a lovely quiet time with the BF.
If you want to keep your marginal perennials warm you plant a rock next to them. A girl can't have too many boulders in her garden where it freezes and snows. Anything planted next to boulders in a southern exposure gets a head start in spring in zone 3. Light colored gravel makes the best mulch in zones 2-4 as it absorbs heat and releases it slowly. Bark just absorbs moisture and mildew and can lock up nitrogen.
Swampette... you asked about those necklaces and I tried to email you back to no avail, so . . .here's my response - Yes, we refer to the old gal as a moving toxic waste dump. Affectionately, of course.
The necklaces are silver plated Chinese, Thai resin, and Central American, some solid Bali silver, Chineses turquoise, dyed coral, raku, Chinese porcelaine, glass, carved bone, brass, etc.. Personally, I'd rather make my own silver beads, but, there's only one of me and too many projects to do at once! Brooke
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