It's May 15th, the May Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day hosted by Carol over at May Dreams Gardens... and I find myself able to enjoy my little bouquets of cut flowers more than I can observe the actual garden plants in bloom this month! Between the overlap of indoor and sand volleyball, long hours at both jobs, going for bike rides, taking my little cousin's Flat Stanley on adventures around Cleveland, and hanging out with Steve and Coco, I simply don't have much time!
I have been sneaking a peak at some of the new blooms in my garden off and on, like this pretty little groundcover phlox divaricata:

And the HUGE blooms on the 'Chojuraku' tree peony that I salvaged last year from the garden center:

Of the spring bloomers, some (like this 'Jack Frost' brunnera--which I love underplanted with golden creeping jenny) are hitting their peak:

And others, like this pulmonaria (also underplanted with creeping jenny) are almost at the end of their bloom time:

The gorgeous coral honeysuckle (lonicera sempervirens) will always remind me of Annie in Austin since it first caught my eye on one of her blog postings. It's just starting its amazing late spring show:

And I'm equally excited to see the flowers on many fruits & veggies, including this blueberry (underplanted with woolly thyme and 'Ivory Queen' allium):

What really amazes me, though, is that so many tulips are still putting on quite a show. It's been at least three years since I planted anything but the short little species tulips that are finished blooming now, and yet I have some gorgeous returners like 'Queen of Night':

The peony-flowered 'BlackHero'tulip, which I love love LOVE coming up through the leaves of a peachy orange heuchera:

And this unknown variety, which usually looks pink to me (Steve, knowing my aversion to pink, assuredme that it's "a reddish tulip" instead--good guy, isn't he?!) but which looks nicely orange/red when backlit by the setting sun:

Notice those white flowers behind the tulips? They represent my failure--AGAIN--to take out my doublefile viburnum. *sigh* Oh, but I've rationalized it this time, don't worry! See, I'm thinking that now that the treelawn tree is gone... well, sure it will have more sun. But it will also have less competition for water since those tree roots won't be sucking up all of the moisture in that garden. That sounds reasonable... right?!?! :)
It's way past my bedtime now, and I have to get up early and dig out some plants to bring with me to the garden center tomorrow as gifts for a few of my coworkers, so I'll sign off with a few lists... and a wish that your May garden is as lovely as a May garden should be!
Shrubs, grasses & vines in bloom:
- Doublefile viburnum, tree peony, lonicera sempervirens
Perennials in bloom:
- Phlox divaricata, lamiums 'Anne Greenaway,' 'Purple Dragon' & the passalong one from mom, sweet woodruff, linaria, pulmonaria, 'JackFrost' brunnera, 'Samobor' geranium, various heuchera
Fruits, veggies & herbs in bloom:
- 'Red Lake' currants, blueberries, chives, common sage, strawberries
Annuals & bulbs in bloom:
- 'Geranium' daffodil, 'Black Hero' tulip, 'Queen of Night' tulip, unnamed "reddish"tulip, frittilaria, red pansies
What a deadly gorgeous combo--that "black" tulip coming up through the orangey heuchera. Yum!
Great stuff you have there. That Ivory Queen allium is one I MUST have next year. The blueish leaves are awesome. Happy GBBD!
The little bouquets are divine with their color composition...much like your garden compositions. Thank goodness the color is coming steadily now.
Beautiful blooms Kim! Your tree peony is breathtaking.
Oh, my, I am just smitten with the combo of the 'Queen of the Night' Tulip with that dark Sambucus. I think I'm hyperventilating.
Your Tree Peony bloom is just perfect. Ok, now I think that my Tree Peony is not 'Chojuraku,' as mine has dark flares. The search for an identity continues.
Love that black tulip coming through the foliage. Happy GBBD! Cheers/Yvonne
I agree with all the earlier commenters! You have a great combinations going on...the nearly black tulip with the heuchera is stunning. Love the rescued tree peony! gail
I like those garden center tulips (as well as the species varieties), but they don't return where I am. They combine well w/ pretty much everything.
The Queen of the Night tulip looks so pretty with the purple background.
I just love the tree peonies.Planted my first one this spring.
I can almost smell the honeysuckle.
Great blooms happening in your garden now.
All your flowers are stunning but it's the tree peony that has won me over!! Gorgeous!!
I reacted to the dark tulip over the heuchera, very beautiful and I love the color combination.
I have to say I found a little amusement from the "underplanted with creeping jenny" on two spots. My creeping jenny likes it here just a little too well, and will underplant, overplant and througoutplant anything it is near. I have started taking it out of the front garden because it is so invasive, and I am starting to wonder if putting it in my flagstone path was such a good idea after all. . .
But your garden is beautiful, doesn't seem to be neglected at all.
I really like your use of underplantings. My underplantings usually get power hungry and take over everything they touch.
You must have taken great care of the tree peony to see it bloom so soon!
Some gorgeous blooms. I love the Black Hero too, and what's interesting is that it is in a pot with 2 other doubles and it's about 6" higher than both of them.
fun to see what's blooming for you! love that peony. I am on the lookout for a Japanese peony for myself ('cause I surely need more plants!!!!! )
The peony is gorgeous! I like the honeysuckle too, it's a pretty color.
How wonderful that you have all that going on! Really good gardens can maintain themselves to a degree when other life events limit gardener time. And I love the peony too!
Tulips can be such fun. You have yours situated just right. Happy GBBD.
Black Hero tulip and the tree peony do it for me :) Fantastic colour in your garden :)
Kim, it looks like spring has definitely sprung at your house. I love that coral honeysuckle too, but I don't own one. Your others plants are so pretty. I know next month, you'll have even more as it warms up where you are. We'll be hotter than h, e, double toothpicks here. LOL.~~Dee
Queen of the Night was an old favorite in IL and if Black Hero had been around, it could have been a favorite, too. Your combinations are lovely and it's fun to see the Coral Honeysuckle doing well.
Healing Magic Hands should see the creeping Jenny here... in 2007 we had a wet year and it grew so widely that I was nervous it would go wild. Then last year's heat and drought knocked it back to a few stubs and I was nervous it would all die. You can get a lot of excitement from a simple little groundcover.
Sure hope the doublefile will be a beauty with the competition gone, Kim!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
That Black Hero tulip is just amazing!
What good memories you conjur with the thought of ushering Flat Stanley around! We used to do that in my classroom!! :-)
We share some of the same flowers... you must have some good shade. I, too, enjoy both the brunnera and the pulmonaria!
And Thank You for the id on the allium! My mother has the same one in her garden, (we were there this weekend) and couldn't remember what it was!
May will soon be over and I cannot believe it! Happy Day! :-)
'Jack Frost' was such a stellar performer this year. It bloomed like crazy.
Kim -
That Black Hero and Peach Heuchera is absolutely stunning. You should see those paired up with Obsidian Heucheras. Its heuchera heaven all year long.
Lost In The Flowers
Kim..I see I'm not the only one with no time for blogging lately.
So many thoughts flow as I read your latest posts...can't put them all down here. I'd love to stroll around your garden for a tour and non-stop chat :) It's uplifting to read of your excitement and love for all the blooms...tiny included. I loved that post!
Those lovely salvaged plants are lucky you rescued them :) The peony is glorious. Mine are just budding.
Love those dark tulips...and all the others too. Wonderful combinations. Your front spring garden looks bright and beautiful and those bergenia flowers are so pretty. Makes me want to plant some. And an epimedium...those tiny flowers are so exquisite!
Happy spring!
Isn't it wonderful?!
wonderful! glad I tuned in this morning. I'm on my way to the nursery to buy I don't know what! We have a garden, reclaimed by our son, who's done all the digging and "fixing." And is waiting for me to get something to put in it? egads, I don't know.
Your flowers are an inspiration.
Your garden looks beautiful, and as always, I'm envious of your 'Jack Frost'! I was at Lowe's yesterday and they were selling tons of it, but I'm pretty sure that it won't last here (and it had already bloomed - and was pricey for an annual). The ivory queen allium is something.
Sounds like you're busy - have fun!
I do really like your combinations and plant photos, but glad you also have a busy life :)
I just LOVE your color combos, especially the 'Queen of Night' tulips with the 'Black Lace' elderberry. I want my plant combos to be as cool as your someday...very inspiring! :)
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