Okay, this is technically a multiple birth notice, since I have more than one baby lemon... but they all seem to be on different branches, so I can only take a photo of one at a time. But I'm very excited about ALL of my new babies.
On the downside, eagle-eyed gardeners may notice the presence of little green aphids on the stem below the new baby. I didn't notice those until after I took the photo, but they are were only on a couple of stems and I don't see any of the telltale "honeydew" on any leaves just yet. So I'll be taking care of them (hopefully) with a daily spraying of the leaves to knock them all off... thank goodness that I have one of those pullout spray nozzles on my kitchen sink to make that Rx a little bit easier!
Congratulations, Kim! I adore Meyer lemons ... keep that nursery clean :)
Congratulations on your Grand
Lemon(s). What excitement.
joey, hahaha... yes, I definitely need to keep that nursery clean. :)
Greenbow Lisa, thank you! I'm trying not to be too excited until it gets a little closer to harvest time... but okay, I'm really geeked about this, I admit!
Congrats, Kim! I've only ever heard about Meyer lemons (don't think anyone up here carries them in my part of the globe) but they look and sound awesome. Hope you have wonderful harvest when the time comes.
That's excellent! At home I've been poking my fingers around the flowers of my pathetic (aphid and scale ridden) key limes but so far no sign of any fruit. Perhaps I should try a more delicate pollination method... You used a paintbrush, didn't you?
They are beauties! California friends talk about how much better Meyers taste! Aphids~~They give me the creeps! At least they wash off easily! gail
Congratulations on the baby lemons! How exciting! I have never been good with indoor plants and, currently, our garden looks like this:
So it's going to be a bit before I can enjoy any green babies. But I'm enjoying yours in the mean time! Thanks for sharing! ~~Rhonda :)
How exciting! I've heard about how difficult it can be to get citrus to fruit, so you must be doing something right, aphids notwithstanding.
How exciting Kim!! By the way...Meyers make wonderful limoncello!
What a beautiful surprise! I hope you get several lovely lemons. Loved your photos from the Madagascar exhibit. Voodoo lilies have such a strange fascination.
I wouldn't worry about a few aphids. As a veteran Meyer lemon grower, let me tell you not to be alarmed when a few of those little babies drop off. It happens, but there's always more on the way.
Hi Kim, We have grown Meyer's Lemons in Connecticut for several years now. They are the best lemons I have used. The plants sometimes look like heck when the winter is over but they seem to survive and even thrive.
Bouncing baby lemons-awesome!
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