Sunday, April 17
Passalong Surprise: Double-Flowered Bloodroot
It wasn't until they started blooming today that I remembered having planted double-flowered bloodroot last year. This seems like something I should have remembered planting, but the bloodroot wasn't something I actually purchased. Instead, they were a passalong from "the new guy" at the garden center where I work each spring, and they were generously offered--and hastily planted--in the midst of a hectic busy season.
When they started emerging from the ground, the ghostly outer foliage (shown above) glowed pale against the ground, making me think they were some sort of fungus as I viewed them from the nearby window.
But this morning, I finally saw the pure white blooms begin to open, and it spurred me out to take a closer look. I can't wait until they fully unfold... and hope that they feel free to make a little colony here, just like they did for my coworker Steve!
'Flore pleno' bloodroots are among the few flowers I get down on my knees and gawk at in disbelief. They are that pretty. That said, I think mine played out. Regular bloodroots have passed. The doubles are always later. But I'm not feeling good about their prospects -- this late and no sign.
Isn't this just the most beautiful bloodroot. I have it too and I just love those little double blooms. The foliage is nice too after the blooms are gone. It lasts quite awhile until the foliage gives up to the heat and drought.
I can't believe you forgot them! They are the most exquisite things. I'm down to just one because of the squirrels.
Those are stunning!!! Even without the flowers, that foliage is super cool!
They are so lovely~I have the single, but this is stellar! gail
What a lovely bloodroot photograph that top one is. I checked out my wood's patch of bloodroot yesterday. It had all quit blooming. Too bad.
What a beautiful bloodroot. I just see the most wonderful bloodroot in my life. It is not like my bloodroot. I really love them all.
It was very nice bloodroot. Regular care and hard work makes it beautiful. The bloom would be nice I think. I have to come back again to see it.
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