Sunday, October 7

The Invasion Has Begun

I think that my houseplants are WAY too happy after a long summer outside. This nepenthes was almost touching the porch rail by the end of this week... and is currently grazing the living room floor in its temporary home on a plant stand:

I say temporary home because all of my houseplants are scattered around in random places, hastily brought in when the forecast for tonight dropped into the upper 30's. 

I have no idea where all of these things are going to be able to overwinter...but I just cleared a path through the jungle kitchen and I think that means it's time to call it a night. Finding better winter homes for everything will just have to wait until tomorrow!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I went through this just a week ago. We had one light frost already. It is very frosty this morning. Brrr. My big begonias are already protesting the low light levels in here. I can hardly turn around in the south end of the living room. Such will winter be.

outlawgardener said...

It's that time of year. To procrastinate, I've been looking at some Australian blogs and pretending that it's spring. This is working so far because we're havig nice warm weather but if I want to keep them, the tender plants will need to make the transition inside soon. Groan.

Jenny said...

Ugh! I love my houseplants until I have to bring them into my tiny house with with very poor lighting. On top of that, we're remodelling this I really have no place to put them.

I moved the trees to the garage to get through this cold snap then I'll be moving them back outside until I figure out where they'll go. Everything else is spread around my kitchen jungle as well. I still have lots of pruning to do on the plants in my garage before they'll fit through the doors again.

Stratoz said...

Good luck finding homes for the jungle. Obviously you have a billion more house plants than we do.

greggo said...

I did the same. 31 degrees two nights in a row. Stayed in the garage for two days, out tonight though.

Unknown said...

outlawgardener, that's a PERFECT plan! Time for me to head down under (virtually speaking) so I can pretend it's spring!:-D

Greenbow Lisa, a light frost already?! Yikes. I'm hoping that I can avoid that--I still have some tomatoes that need to ripen. And they never seem to do that as well indoors. *sigh*

Jenny, I'm remodeling, too! Just the kitchen... but... well... that's where all the plants are sitting right now. LOL. Good luck with all of that pruning!

Stratoz, methinks that you and Margaret are tending an indoor glass jungle instead! ;-) (A beautiful, wonderful glass jungle...)

Greggo, stashing them in the garage would have been really smart. I wish I had been smart enough to think of that, in fact!

Ah well. It probably would have still been an invasion, and a jungle, when they finally had to come indoors. I need to get a few more saucers and cast iron trivets (which I use to hold them off the wood floors) for some of these planters. I swear my houseplants are like gremlins--they multiply at night, when I'm not looking! :-P

joey said...

You will find a spot, dear Kim! Hardy will survive and the rest ... let go ... tomorrow is another day!

growingagardenindavis said...

I hope things have settled down and all those plants have snuggled together so you can co-exist this winter. How lucky they are that you take such good care of them!

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