Thursday, June 20

Good Work If You Can Get It...

I was thoroughly amused to find this solicitation taped to my front door today:

Excuse my finger - it's hiding their contact information.
I have a tiny urban hellstrip (tree lawn) and a little square (around 10 x 20 ft in size) of lawn in the backyard. Steve and I figure that at their quoted price, they would be making around $2.50 per minute!

Note: I appreciate that people who are enthusiastic about getting their business name out there. But, really... 


Lisa at Greenbow said...

And obviously you take good care of your little patch. How dare they insinuate that you need help. ha...

greggo said...

I'll do it for 25. He he

Unknown said...

Greenbow Lisa, BUSTED! They probably saw how many dandelion green I'm growing (ahem) and decided that I really needed the intervention. *GRIN*

Greggo, that seems like a bad deal for you... you need to factor in your travel costs! ;-)

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