Wednesday, November 22

Pssst... Hey Christine...

See what you can do with the pink and purple Peeps, after a little softening in the microwave? ;)

I was thinking about how you used the Easter Peep to rig "forsythia bloom" evidence as I went through my garden pictures this afternoon... because I found a picture of my own rhododendron blooming last fall!

You know I'm teasing about the Peeps, but I'm not kidding about this picture of my rhodie in bloom. I took it on 10/11/05... I had forgotten that it bloomed that late last year when adding to the conspiracy theories on your post. Maybe having spring shrubs rebloom sporadically in the fall is more common than we think? I wonder if anyone has research on that? Hmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny girl!

Mom said they'll do that if the weather does the hot/cold/hot thing.
Well, it's certainly been doing that, around our areas, hasn't it?
It's been very mild here, with the threat of a couple of inches of snow looming in our horizon....

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