It's May 15th, the May Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day hosted by Carol over at May Dreams Gardens... and I find myself able to enjoy my little bouquets of cut flowers more than I can observe the actual garden plants in bloom this month! Between the overlap of indoor and sand volleyball, long hours at both jobs, going for bike rides, taking my little cousin's Flat Stanley on adventures around Cleveland, and hanging out with Steve and Coco, I simply don't have much time!
I have been sneaking a peak at some of the new blooms in my garden off and on, like this pretty little groundcover phlox divaricata:

And the HUGE blooms on the 'Chojuraku' tree peony that I salvaged last year from the garden center:

Of the spring bloomers, some (like this 'Jack Frost' brunnera--which I love underplanted with golden creeping jenny) are hitting their peak:

And others, like this pulmonaria (also underplanted with creeping jenny) are almost at the end of their bloom time:

The gorgeous coral honeysuckle (lonicera sempervirens) will always remind me of Annie in Austin since it first caught my eye on one of her blog postings. It's just starting its amazing late spring show:

And I'm equally excited to see the flowers on many fruits & veggies, including this blueberry (underplanted with woolly thyme and 'Ivory Queen' allium):

What really amazes me, though, is that so many tulips are still putting on quite a show. It's been at least three years since I planted anything but the short little species tulips that are finished blooming now, and yet I have some gorgeous returners like 'Queen of Night':

The peony-flowered 'BlackHero'tulip, which I love love LOVE coming up through the leaves of a peachy orange heuchera:

And this unknown variety, which usually looks pink to me (Steve, knowing my aversion to pink, assuredme that it's "a reddish tulip" instead--good guy, isn't he?!) but which looks nicely orange/red when backlit by the setting sun:

Notice those white flowers behind the tulips? They represent my failure--AGAIN--to take out my doublefile viburnum. *sigh* Oh, but I've rationalized it this time, don't worry! See, I'm thinking that now that the treelawn tree is gone... well, sure it will have more sun. But it will also have less competition for water since those tree roots won't be sucking up all of the moisture in that garden. That sounds reasonable... right?!?! :)
It's way past my bedtime now, and I have to get up early and dig out some plants to bring with me to the garden center tomorrow as gifts for a few of my coworkers, so I'll sign off with a few lists... and a wish that your May garden is as lovely as a May garden should be!
Shrubs, grasses & vines in bloom:
- Doublefile viburnum, tree peony, lonicera sempervirens
Perennials in bloom:
- Phlox divaricata, lamiums 'Anne Greenaway,' 'Purple Dragon' & the passalong one from mom, sweet woodruff, linaria, pulmonaria, 'JackFrost' brunnera, 'Samobor' geranium, various heuchera
Fruits, veggies & herbs in bloom:
- 'Red Lake' currants, blueberries, chives, common sage, strawberries
Annuals & bulbs in bloom:
- 'Geranium' daffodil, 'Black Hero' tulip, 'Queen of Night' tulip, unnamed "reddish"tulip, frittilaria, red pansies