I love how the morning sun lights up the houseplants in my huge (east-facing) dining room window.
Backlighting brings out so many different colors that otherwise remain hidden within the leaves. Like the yellows between the veins in these fleshy orchid cactus paddles. ("Leaves" doesn't quite sound right, but "paddles" is my term, not a technical one!)
And the green in the otherwise fuzzy silver kalanchoe. And the reds and golds in the dark purple setcreasea:
And now, off to take a deep breath and uncover my peach tree so she can bask in the sun. Hopefully her "tent" kept her flowers safe so that I can enjoy a few peaches later this summer. Time will tell...
Isn't it amazing what shows up in different conditions if we're paying attention? I'm glad you shared this!
It is marvelous that one has time to contemplate the hue of houseplants in the sun. Sounds like a perfect Saturday morning. There are so many simple pleasures if we just slow down enough to see them.
Your orchid cactus looks a lot like my night blooming cereus. Morning light is very revealing sometimes.
I do hope you have peaches this summer. It pays to 'see' leaves or paddles in a different light.
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